Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I Was Fed

I Was Fed
I slowly walked back home from the lake, surrounded by the voices of the people spilling out all around me.  Mama met me in the street, two of my little brothers clinging to her legs.  I could tell she was frustrated.  She thrust the empty water jug into my hands with the implied command to go to the well and fill it up immediately.  As she walked back into the house I could hear her call back to me. She said:
“I’ll never understand
what you see in that man.”
In reply, all that I said
was that,
I was fed.”
I wish that she had gone with me.  Then she would have seen what I saw.  That man took a few loaves of bread, blessed them and broke them.  He handed the pieces to his men to distribute to us.  There was scarcely enough bread for one family, yet I watched as thousands of men, women, and children received a share.   I had not been aware of my own hunger until I held that fresh bread in my hands, smelled its sweet aroma.  When I ate it, my body was satisfied.  So when I heard Mama say:
“I’ll never understand
what you see in that man.”
Smiling, all that I said
was that,
I was fed.”

Oh that Mama could have heard what He said to us!  That man explained things in a way that I could really understand them.  Ideas that were once too difficult for me became clear in the stories that He told.  In the midst of His tales about everyday life, I gained clarity on God, man, sin, and love.  As I listened, my mind became contented.  I had so much I wanted to tell Mama that I scarcely knew where to begin, but when she said:
 “I’ll never understand
what you see in that man.”
All that I said
was that,
I was fed.”
If only she could have sat at His feet.  Just being in His presence seemed to make time stand still.  While He taught, my worries melted away, my hope renewed.  That man addressed my spirit.  He made me desire to please God now, and serve Him for eternity.  While He uncovered my sinful heart, He also offered the balm of forgiveness.  Guilt vanished with His words and tenderness for my neighbor was cultivated.  My very soul was satiated.  I wanted to express to Mama all of the reasons being with Jesus had meant so much to me.  So when she said:
 “I’ll never understand
what you see in that man.”
All that I said
was that,
I was fed.”

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