Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Define "Good"

                         Define “Good”

                        ~Christmas 2011 for Tramway Elementary 3rd graders~

              Right this minute, at the North Pole, the elves are putting the finishing touches on my toys.  Their busy little hands select the most delicious treats for my stocking.  A red and gold sleigh is carefully being loaded with innumerable goodies.  The very thought of their activities makes me giddy with excitement!  There is, however, one activity going on up North that honestly has me a little nervous.  I get butterflies when I think of it:  Santa checking his list not once, but twice, for who has and who has not been good.
             Don’t get me wrong, I want to be good.  I try really hard to be good.  Many, many times I actually am good.  I wish I could say that I am always good.  In fact, no other time of year do I wish this more sincerely than in December.  
            For the past few weeks, I’ve racked my brain trying to recall all my past deeds.  I frown when I think of the times I’ve been naughty.  I get warm and fuzzy all over when I think of the times I’ve been nice.  While I feel certain the nice far outweighs the naughty, it could be that I’m inclined to be too lenient with myself.  I cannot be certain that Santa will be quite so indulgent.
             For example, yes I know that trying to pounce on my granny’s cat, Pete, could be judged as wrong in Granny’s eyes; however, Pete doesn’t always have the best social skills himself.  I think Pete had it coming.  Perhaps Pete has benefited from being taken down a notch or two.  So, would Santa see things Granny’s way, my way, or Pete’s way?  At the time I felt I was in the right, now I’m not too sure.
             And then there was the little incident with Cousin Cody’s elbow.  I was a little excited that he went with Mama and me on our walk at the park.  Despite being told repeatedly not to jump up and grab his arm, I just kept doing it until my teeth pinched him a bit.  Cody said it didn’t hurt, but Mama was disappointed in my “choice.”  I’m pretty sure Santa won’t be happy about it either.
             But, then there are the times I make good “choices.”  Like letting men and women I’ve never met before pet my head without offering the slightest resistance.  I always give people the benefit of the doubt.  I treat them as friends from the moment I meet them.  Surely Santa smiles on this.
             Other times that I am nice include when I sit on the bench at the park with Mama because she’s tired when what I really want to do is run, run, run!  I love on Mama and sit on her lap.  She smiles and laughs so I know it does her a world of good.  Wouldn’t Santa count this in my favor?
             The holidays are a magical time of year.  I see wonderment all around me.  Approaching winter has caused the pecan trees in the park to rain down treasure for us to find.  The shops in Cameron glow with Christmas nostalgia and customers.  The streets of Sanford sport beautiful holiday decorations.  People generously lavish each other with gifts.  Children’s spirits are light and filled with happy expectations.  I am swept up in excitement of it all.  It is just too difficult not to give into optimism!
             So, Santa, here’s hoping you put more checks in my nice column than in my naughty column on your list.  This is one little dingo that is looking forward to your visit!  I didn’t get to sit on your lap this year, but I hope you got my letter.  I really need more chew toys, a ruby necklace, bones, cookies, blankets, a ball, a flying disc, a minute alone with Pete…….
Mama’s Notes:  Ruby has basically been a good girl.  I fully expect Santa to visit her on Christmas Eve.  She makes mistakes now and then just like we all do.  But, her love, her joy, and her smile more than make up for her occasional episodes of mischief. 

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