Monday, September 28, 2015

Night Sounds: A Responsive Reading Poem for Parents/Children

Night Sounds
A responsive reading poem for parents and children

Child reads GREEN aloud
Parent reads BLUE aloud

Night sounds all around!
What is that I hear?

Nothing that should worry you,
Just the bleating of a deer.

Night sounds all around!
What was that loud clap?

Just the beak snaps of an owl
Gobbling up his midnight snack.

Night sounds all around!
What just made that croak?

Silly child, don’t you know?
That’s how the bullfrog clears his throat.

Night sounds all around!
What went “pitter-pat”?

I think you hear the rain, my dear.
Nothing more than that.

Night sounds all around!
What was that deep bark?

You know the neighbor’s dogs, love,
All jumpy when it’s dark. 

Night sounds all around!
Did you just hear that howl?

Yes, it’s that busy old cat Thomas
Out on his nightly prowl.

Night sounds all around!
That’s a mournful sound!

The whip-poor-will calls for his mate
So he won’t be alone.

Night sounds all around!
What is that constant click?

The crickets telling temperature
If you just learn the trick. 

Night sounds all around!
None of them scare me!

That’s just what I’ve been saying, dear!

Don’t fear what you can’t see.