Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Paddling Psalm

Dear Lord,

In a world that constantly calls out to us to pay attention first to this thing, then to that, we are grateful for the quiet moments You give us to reflect on Your goodness and offer You worship. Help this message get across Lord, despite human lips. Let it touch those in need of encouragement.

We ask for Your presence and sweet peace.

It is in Jesus’ Name we pray.


The past few years have been pretty jam packed. Working as I did, in a large ministry, getting a few days off in a row was a challenge. As a result, my husband, Kevin, and I have had few opportunities to get away and just relax. On those rare occasions that we could get away, we have always opted to take our kayaks to a river to really unwind.

I love to kayak. Well, let me put that into a percentage. I love roughly 95% of a kayaking adventure. Now, I am not talking about whitewater kayaking. Kevin and I mostly kayak in local rivers like Rocky or Deep River or a few hours up the road in the New River.

The New River is a misnomer. Of the world’s rivers, it is the 3rd oldest. THIRD OLDEST IN THE WORLD. The Nile and Amazon are younger. The river wears her age beautifully.

The experience of being alone in a kayak on an ancient river is incredible. Because I choose not to fish, I am free to paddle my boat wherever my whims may take me. While I keep my eye on Kevin’s location (he fishes), I may paddle on ahead of him, or lag behind him many times during a day trip on the river. Occasionally we will paddle side by side, to access sunscreen, grab a bottle of water, to decide on a picnic location.

Mostly, though, I float along with the current, daydreaming a bit. I watch the clouds as they pass overhead and I soak in the peaceful atmosphere. I paddle in close to the bank to admire a carpet of wildflowers and mountain laurel. I take pictures of the hundreds of geese we move past on our journey or of the black and white cows on the bordering pastures. Truly, after a few hours on this watery Eden, all my cares just melt away. What I have described, though, accounts for the 95% of the river experience that I love.

Now, for the other 5% (actually, probably less than 5%, but feels like a lot when it happens). The New River as it flows near Sparta, has very few rapids and of those rapids, few are considered challenging. For the most part, I can steady myself in the kayak, focus on paddling, and get through them just fine. For the most part. However, with every kayaking trip, one, if not two, rapids will scare me senseless.

When approaching a rapid that makes me nervous, I paddle steadily to keep from going into it until Kevin is in his kayak right behind me. When Kevin is within a few yards of me, I will steel up for the challenge, point my kayak into the rapid, do my best paddling and keeping the kayak steady, and move through it as safely as I can. Most of the time, I am successful. Most of the time.

This summer, the class 3 rapid, got the best of me. Despite my best efforts, my kayak got sideways and took on water rapidly. Kevin paddled to my sinking boat, jumped out of his, and with one hand he held on to his kayak while trying to force mine up to stop it from going under. But, with several gallons per second pouring against his body into my boat, he was doing the best he could just holding onto my kayak and his at the same time. All the while with me crying like a little girl.

I was up against a bolder and he told me to climb onto it, which I gladly did to have the feeling of solid steadiness for a moment. Kevin continued to try to pull my boat up, but one handed still made it a near impossibility. He told me to get into his boat and ride it on out of the rapid. I cried more, telling him I didn’t want to go on and leave him behind with no kayak. As women will do, I already had visions of the millions of things that could happen to him if I left him behind without a boat….maybe he’d slip on a moss covered rock and hit his head. Maybe he’d float down too fast in the river and break his neck. Maybe the sinking kayak would dislodge and crush him against a bolder. You name the horrible thought, I had it. I was afraid for my own safety initially, but the real horror for me surrounded the possibility of Kevin being hurt or killed because of me.

The irony of it…..when going into a situation that made me fear for my safety, I wanted Kevin to be near me precisely because I knew he would do everything within his power to keep me safe. I knew Kevin loved me sacrificially----that he would put my safety above his. But, in practice, it chilled me and warmed me to the core both at the same time.

You see, Kevin and I have been married for over 26 years. We have known each other over 28 years. He’s told me he loves me every day of those years. He has committed his life to me. We have a child together, a home together, have gone through ups and downs together, and been true to each other all that time. So, my mind knew Kevin loved me in theory and in practice. I know I’d give my life for him without hesitation, and assumed he would for me. But, to actually see that in action…..to see a man jump out of a safe, dry kayak into a rapid to give you his boat to ride safely out, To see him muscle it up out of the water after many minutes of fighting a forceful torrent of water…..to know there are dangers….well, simply put, to see someone risk their safety to ensure yours takes love to a level few get to experience firsthand. It is a mixed blessing, to have the scariest aspect of your life also to be the most heartwarming one as well.

Kevin loves me sacrificially. Because I know that, the moment I was scared I looked for him and wanted him close by.

That day, it dawned on me….Isn’t that exactly what I do with Jesus? When life is all roses and smooth pathways, I keep my eye on Jesus. I make sure I don’t venture far from him and have many occasions during the day where I touch base. But, like with Kevin, don’t I avoid going into scary situations without him by my side? When I am anxious, don’t I pray and ask him not to send me into the rushing waters alone?

What about you? Do you find that as the challenges of life head your way, you avoid rushing in without prayerfully asking the Lord to hold your hand, even guide your steps and words…never leaving your side as you enter the scary unknown?

The Bible gives us assurance that the Lord wants us to call out to him and invite him to enter the battle, the challenge, the trial, the rapid by our side.

I have given this a lot of thought. I think my river experiences with Kevin are very much like my life experiences with Jesus. On the river, I am at peace, in Kevin’s presence I am able to enjoy the beautiful wildlife in relative solitude, frequently interacting with him because I love him, and occasionally meeting up in the river for sunscreen, a meal, or water. When the river gets scary, I seek him out, and want him close by. He encourages me when things get nerve-racking, finally just taking over when I can’t do it alone. In life, when things are going well and I can enjoy the simple pleasures, I interact with Jesus often because I love Him, occasionally those interactions are longer than my usual daily prayers like with church or intercession for a friend in need. When my own life gets scary, I seek Him out, and want Him close by. He encourages me when the darkness closes in. If a situation is incredibly difficult, I know that He will carry me through.

Kevin’s love for me is sacrificial. I have watched him risk his well-being for me.

Christ’s love for me is sacrificial. He already gave His life for me. I’ve done nothing to deserve this sacrificial love from either one…but, the preciousness of it does not escape my notice or appreciation.

God’s people have always been assured that in their time of need, when they seek God, He is ready to be of assistance.

2 Chronicles 15:14

4 But in their distress they turned to the LORD, the God of Israel, and sought him, and he was found by them.

When a child of God seeks comfort or strength, the Book of Psalms is an incredible resource. It provides such blessed assurance of a powerful, loving God that is eager and capable of rescuing us from the tribulations of life.

Psalm 72:12

For he delivers the needy when he calls, the poor and him who has no helper.

Psalm 107:6

Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.

Of the 150 Psalms, over 70 are attributed to King David. As a young person, I could only identify with David a tad bit, as he was a mere youth when he slew Goliath. But, our similarities began and ended with his age. Beyond that, for most of my life, King David was not a person with whom I had anything in common. After all, he lived 1000s of years, ago, he faced and killed a giant, he commanded armies, was a KING, and was famous even during his own lifetime. However, as I have lived my life. As I have had fears and heartbreak. As I have seen dark days and called out to the Lord, even speaking of tear-stained pillows and overwhelming sadness…..as I have read King David’s words in Psalms, I have heard my own heart echoed. King David was a man, made of flesh and blood just like me. He had known joy, but he also endured incredible days of darkness. Like me, some of his challenges came about because of his own poor choices, but others came about simply as a result of living in a fallen world. His Psalms mirror my own experiences, too….crying out to the Lord first in pure overwhelming anxiety, eventually culminating in the peace that surpasses all understanding as the realization dawns that we are the children of an omnipotent, merciful, loving Father that can and will render all needed assistance, guidance, and comfort in the midst of life’s more terrifying and heartbreaking moments.

Just a few of those Davidic Psalms include:

Psalm 34: 17-18

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 70: 5

5 But as for me, I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God.

You are my help and my deliverer; Lord, do not delay.

Psalm 34:6

This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.

Psalm 22:19

But you, O Lord, do not be far off! O you my help, come quickly to my aid!

Psalm 23:4

Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

Did you note that in each of the Psalms, the Lord’s assistance came as a result of one of His children looking to Him for help? We are in relationship with Him. He delights in helping us, but desires the interaction of us realizing we need Him and calling out to Him from that need.

Did you pick up on the pure faith David expresses in his words? Because of his long relationship with God, he knew from experience, that the Lord would readily assist him in his hour of great need.

It is no accident that our relationship with Jesus is expressed as a husband’s love for his bride. My husband and I are in continual fellowship. We interact throughout the day. We share the joys and quiet times together. I know from experience that should I need him, all I need to do is ask, he is there for me. And, as good as a friend is, this love of my husband for me, his bride, transcends the natural human inclination of self-preservation….it is a love that willingly sacrifices self for the well-being of the other.

In the river, what I thought to be true in my mind was made evident as truth in reality. I sought Kevin’s assistance in my time of need, and he granted it….even to the point of risking his own life. Had I not encountered the scary episode in the river, I would not have witnessed his sacrificial love for me before my very eyes.

You know, as frightening as many aspects of this life can be, if we did not have to experience them, would we ever truly get to witness the all powerful, all encompassing, sacrificial love of Christ?

Looking at flowers and floating peacefully in the river didn’t spotlight Kevin’s love for me. He had no opportunity to prove his love for me in a way I would never forget. Sunny days, perfect health, and effortless finances never give Jesus an opportunity to demonstrate His power, His unfailing love, or His willingness to sacrifice Himself to bring us home to live eternally with Him in His kingdom. As much as I love Kevin, I didn’t feverishly search for his presence when watching deer at the river’s edge….but, I did at the first sign of white water. As much as I love Jesus, I don’t clamor for His attention or favor when times are good, but I my heart yearns for His presence as I encounter the trials of a fallen world.

Both with the earthly husband the Lord has given to me and with Jesus, seeking their presence in tough times is always followed quickly by their full attention and assistance.

No matter what you are facing today, Jesus is delighted to help you. Call out to Him. Nothing is beyond His ability. For many, financial situations that seem insurmountable are constant stressors. Call out to Jesus for assistance in ways you may not even be able to imagine with your limited human mind. Many have health issues that range from persistent discouragement, to out-and-out life threateners. Call out to Jesus. Even in the midst of a dire diagnosis, the Lord can give you a peace that will carry you through without anxiety. Perhaps you are experiencing a heartbreaking relationship issue. Call out to Jesus. He can do miracles that no word or effort on your behalf can accomplish. I know many of you today are dealing with a death that has left you devastated. Call out to Jesus. Only Jesus can comfort you with assurance that your loved one is experiencing a peace this world could never offer.


We realize that our sins break Your divine laws and that the penalty for our transgressions is eternal death and separation from you. We are grateful that You sent Your own beloved Son as a sinless sacrifice for us….that His death atones for our sins….that because He paid the penalty of death with His death to give us an everlasting life. We openly confess our full faith in our salvation through Jesus Christ. Help us, daily, to grow in our personal relationship with Jesus, so that we will better know the One that died so that will live.

Lord, you crave a relationship with your beloved. Help us to be in hourly fellowship with you. And, Lord, when we face troubling challenges in our lives, remind us to call out for You. Assure us always that You are always ready to help us in our time of need.

It is in the name of Jesus we pray, Amen

The same Christ that is present in the Old Testament, revealed in the New Testament, and displayed in Creation is the same Christ that is interwoven in the fabric of the lives of His people. God is the Master of the Universe, yet cares deeply about every tiny detail of your day. Seek the Biblical lessons to be learned in all of your experiences.

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